Sydnea Blair
Creative Lead
Sydnea Blair has 3+ years of experience in the digital marketing world, with a focus in social media and content creation. In her years of working in the social media industry, she has found her passion for encompassing all of the best parts of a business online through visual storytelling and connecting with audiences. Her favorite part about this industry is being able to truly love her job and the businesses she works with. Coming from an entrepreneurial upbringing, she knows the ins and outs of what it takes to nurture a business and the work it takes to succeed.
Sydnea graduated from Columbia College Chicago with a B.A. in Arts Management in 2021, allowing her to see all tasks that come with social media marketing through a creative lens. When she's not brainstorming or creating content, you can find Sydnea trying out Chicago restaurants or cafes that she's seen on TikTok. Sydnea also enjoys trying out new hobbies, traveling, and hiking.